Airborne Wireless Network (OTCQB: ABWN) has announced that in aircraft simulation field testing, it has demonstrated the integration of its proprietary flight control software with the Infinitus Super Highway system hardware and GE Aviation´s Inertial Navigation Units (INU) utilizing the Company´s test platforms, the company said.
The Company has developed proprietary algorithms that enable its flight control software to successfully interface with the GE INU and the Infinitus Super HighwaySM system hardware while increasing ABWN´s software´s location abilities of two simulated aircraft in-flight.
The field testing of ABWN´s demonstration showed that the Infinitus Super HighwaySM system can pinpoint two aircraft in-flight to within just over one-meter. The Company intends to conduct other simulations of aircraft in-flight using the Company´s test platforms which incorporate the Infinitus Super HighwaySM system hardware, the INU, and antenna prior to the upcoming Cessna plane test.
Airborne Wireless Network is an emerging growth company redefining global connectivity.
The Company intends to create a high-speed broadband airborne wireless network by linking commercial aircraft in flight.