Solarflare, a pioneer in the development of software defined NICs, has announced its ability to boost the performance of NGINX, the world´s most popular open source application delivery platform for high traffic sites, powering over 300 million properties, the company said.
Test results show that servers with standard XtremeScaleâ„¢ NICs, deliver 60% higher NGINX connection rates, 35% more container throughput, 50% lower latency–all while eliminating system jitter. For NGINX service providers, that means more application delivery with less server capital.
XtremeScale Fabrics allows IT organizations to deploy fewer NGNIX servers. NGNIX performance testing by Solarflare indicates most competitive 10Gb NIC implementations require about six cores to achieve 80% wire-rate. In contrast, a Solarflare XtremeScale NIC achieves 90% wire-rate performance utilizing only two cores. In this test case, two thirds less servers are needed for the same amount of work.
High frequency trading, web servers and load balancers are at the top of the performance pyramid because they handle millions of packets per second and need ultra-high bandwidth and ultra-low latency network connections. Looking forward, big data analytics is emerging fast as a foundation for a broad range of business applications. This massive new market is driving a pervasive need for high performance networks, and a corresponding trend towards NIC fabrics for granular, packet-level traffic engineering.
One problem these applications face is the networking stack inside every Linux distribution has a limit on how many packets per second it can manage. When the limit is reached, CPUs become busy receiving packets, packets are dropped, and applications are starved of CPU. In response, companies like Solarflare have pioneered a form of software defined networking where fabric services are placed alongside other applications in “user space” to bypass the kernel, while network engineers can access and control the kernel bypass application for each server through well defined APIs.
NGINX helps companies deliver their sites and applications with performance, reliability, security, and scale. The company offers an award-winning, comprehensive application delivery platform in use on more than 300 million sites worldwide. companies around the world rely on NGINX to ensure flawless digital experiences through features such as advanced load balancing, web and mobile acceleration, security controls, application monitoring, and management.
Solarflare is pioneering server connectivity for neural-class networks. From silicon to firmware to software, Solarflare provides a comprehensive, integrated set of technologies for distributed, ultra-scale, software-defined datacenters.